Airbus: A Quick Look at the Flysmart+ Manager Suite Vulnerability
Airbus’ Flysmart+ Manager suite, a critical component in the aviation industry, recently came under scrutiny when Whitehat hackers from Pen Test Partners identified a significant vulnerability. This article provides a quick look at this vulnerability, its implications, and the remediation process.

The Vulnerability in Airbus app
The vulnerability was discovered in the Flysmart+ Manager suite, a set of on-board and ground software applications designed to enhance flight deck operations. The suite is fully integrated with OEM aircraft performance and weight & balance calculations, digital flight operations manuals, and an electronic Quick Reference Handbook.
The identified vulnerability was a disabled security control, which allowed the suite to communicate with servers using insecure methods. This could potentially allow an attacker to modify aircraft performance data or adjust airport information.
The Disclosure and Remediation Process
Upon discovering the vulnerability, Pen Test Partners followed responsible disclosure practices and reported the issue to Airbus. However, the remediation process took 19 months after the initial disclosure. This lengthy remediation process underscores the complexity of addressing vulnerabilities in critical systems like those used in aviation.
The Implications of the vulnerability on Airbus
The vulnerability posed a significant risk as it could potentially allow an attacker to modify critical flight data. This could lead to incorrect data being presented to pilots, impacting flight safety. Furthermore, the vulnerability could potentially be exploited to adjust airport information, further exacerbating the risk.
The discovery and subsequent remediation of the vulnerability in Airbus’ Flysmart+ Manager suite highlight the importance of robust cybersecurity practices in the aviation industry. It underscores the need for continuous vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address potential security issues promptly. As the aviation industry continues to rely heavily on digital systems, ensuring the security of these systems remains paramount.
While the remediation process in this case took longer than usual, it is a reminder that addressing vulnerabilities in complex systems can be a challenging and time-consuming process. It also underscores the critical role that Whitehat hackers play in identifying potential security issues and contributing to the overall security of digital systems.
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