D-Link DIR-859 Router Dangerous Vulnerability: Hackers Target Passwords. Here is what to know, A Quick Look.


D-Link DIR-859 Router Dangerous Vulnerability: Hackers Target Passwords. Here is what to know, A Quick Look.

In a recent cybersecurity development, hackers have been capitalizing on a critical vulnerability affecting all D-Link DIR-859 Wi-Fi routers. This flaw, tracked as CVE-2024-0769, poses a significant risk to users’ account information, including passwords. Let’s delve into the details of this security issue and explore its implications.


The Vulnerability

The flaw resides in the “Fatlady.php” file within the D-Link DIR-859 router model. Despite the router reaching end-of-life status and no longer receiving updates, the vendor has issued a security advisory acknowledging the vulnerability. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. CVE-2024-0769: The vulnerability is a path traversal flaw that leads to information disclosure. Its severity score is a staggering 9.8 out of 10, highlighting the urgency of addressing it.
  2. Exploitation: Threat monitoring platform GreyNoise has observed active exploitation of CVE-2024-0769. Hackers are specifically targeting the ‘DEVICE.ACCOUNT.xml’ file, aiming to extract sensitive data.

How the Attack Works

  1. Session Data Leak: By exploiting the flaw, attackers can leak session data. This includes account names, passwords, user groups, and user descriptions stored on the device.
  2. Privilege Escalation: The vulnerability allows for privilege escalation, potentially granting unauthorized access to administrative functions.
  3. Full Control via Admin Panel: The worst-case scenario occurs when attackers gain full control of the router through the admin panel. This takeover would give them complete authority over the device.

Motivation Behind the Attacks

While GreyNoise hasn’t definitively determined the attackers’ motivation, the focus on user passwords suggests a desire for device takeover. By compromising user accounts, the hackers aim to wield absolute control over the router.

Mitigation and Recommendations

  1. Update Firmware: Even though the D-Link DIR-859 router is no longer officially supported, users should check for any available firmware updates. Applying patches can mitigate the risk.
  2. Monitor Network Traffic: Regularly monitor network traffic for any suspicious activity related to the ‘DEVICE.ACCOUNT.xml’ file.
  3. Change Default Credentials: Always change default login credentials to unique, strong passwords. Avoid using easily guessable combinations.


As the threat landscape evolves, timely awareness and proactive measures are crucial. Users must stay informed about vulnerabilities affecting their devices and take steps to safeguard their networks. In this case, addressing CVE-2024-0769 promptly can prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information.

Stay vigilant and remember that cybersecurity is a collective effort. Let’s secure our digital realms against malicious actors.

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