Gamers Beware: New RedLine Stealer Variant Hides in Game Cheats


Gamers Beware: New RedLine Stealer Variant Hides in Game Cheats

  • Cryptocurrency wallets
  • VPN software
  • Web browsers (login credentials, autocomplete data, credit card information)
  • IP addresses (revealing your geolocation)
  • Download game cheats only from trusted sources: Be wary of unofficial websites or forums offering cheats. Stick to reputable sources endorsed by the gaming community.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited offers: If you receive an email or message promoting game cheats, don’t click on any links or attachments. It’s likely a phishing attempt.
  • Use robust antivirus and anti-malware software: Security software can help detect and block malware before it infects your device.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest cybersecurity threats. This way, you’ll be better prepared to recognize and avoid them.

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