Google now blocks spoofed emails for better phishing protection.

Google Emails

Google now blocks spoofed emails for better phishing protection.

Cracking Down on Unwanted Emails

  • SPF specifies authorized servers permitted to send emails for a particular domain.
  • DKIM digitally signs emails, ensuring they haven’t been tampered with during transit.
  • DMARC establishes a policy for mail servers receiving emails supposedly from a specific domain. It dictates how to handle unauthenticated emails, preventing spoofing.
  • Reduced Phishing Risk: Blocking spoofed emails significantly reduces the chances of encountering phishing attempts disguised as trusted senders (banks, social media platforms, etc.).
  • Enhanced Inbox Security: With stricter authentication, only legitimate emails are likely to reach inboxes, minimizing spam and potential malware threats.
  • Improved User Confidence: Knowing that Google actively verifies email authenticity can give users greater peace of mind when interacting with emails.

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