Hackers Get Stealthier: New SharePoint Flaws Aid Undetected File Theft


Hackers Get Stealthier: New SharePoint Flaws Aid Undetected File Theft

  • Bypassing Audit Logs: By downloading files in a specific manner, attackers can bypass leaving a trace in the audit logs altogether. This eliminates a crucial red flag for security teams.
  • Masquerading as Syncing: Alternatively, attackers can manipulate the “User-Agent” string associated with file access requests. This essentially disguises their activity as legitimate data synchronization performed by Microsoft SkyDriveSync, a common tool for syncing SharePoint files with local machines. This trick makes the downloads appear as routine syncing events (“FileSyncDownloadedFull”) in the logs, making them less likely to raise suspicion.
  • Stay Informed: Keeping up-to-date on the latest security threats is crucial.
  • Monitor for Anomalies: Pay close attention to audit logs for signs of unusual activity, such as high volumes of file access within short timeframes or access attempts from unrecognized devices or locations.
  • Consider Additional Security Measures: Implementing advanced security solutions that can detect suspicious behavior beyond basic log monitoring can provide an extra layer of protection.

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