LockBit Ransomware Affiliate Sentenced to Four Years in Jail, Ordered to Pay $860k – A Quick Look!


LockBit Ransomware Affiliate Sentenced to Four Years in Jail, Ordered to Pay $860k – A Quick Look!

Lockbit ransomware — What You Need to Know

  • Operations disruption with essential functions coming to a sudden halt.
  • Extortion for the hacker’s financial gain.
  • Data theft and illegal publication as blackmail if the victim does not comply.

How does LockBit ransomware work?

  • Self-spreading within an organization rather than requiring manual direction.
  • Targeted rather than spread in a scattershot fashion like spam malware.
  • Using similar tools to spread, like Windows PowerShell and Server Message Block (SMB).

Stages of LockBit attacks

  1. Exploit
  2. Infiltrate
  3. Deploy

Types of LockBit threats

Variant 1 —. abcd extension

Variant 2 —. LockBit extension

Variant 3 —. LockBit version 2

Ongoing updates and revisions to LockBit

LockBit removal and decryption

How to protect against LockBit ransomware

  1. Strong passwords should be implemented. Many account breaches occur due to easy-to-guess passwords, or those that are simple enough for an algorithm tool to discover within a few days of probing. Male sure you pick secure password, such as choosing longer ones with character variations, and using self-created rules to craft passphrases.
  2. Activate multi-factor authentication. Deter brute force attacks by adding layers atop your initial password-based logins. Include measures like biometrics or physical USB key authenticators on all your systems when possible.
  3. Reassess and simplify user account permissions. Limit permissions to more strict levels to limit potential threats from passing undeterred. Pay special attention to those accessed by endpoint users and IT accounts with admin-level permissions. Web domains, collaborative platforms, web meeting services, and enterprise databases should all be secured.
  4. Clean out outdated and unused user accounts. Some older systems may have accounts from past employees that were never deactivated and closed. Completing a check-up on your systems should include removing these potential weak points.
  5. Ensure system configurations are following all security procedures. This may take time, but revisiting existing setups may reveal new issues and outdated policies that put your organization at risk of attack. Standard operation procedures must be reassessed periodically to stay current against new cyber threats.
  6. Always have system-wide backups and clean local machine images prepared. Incidents will happen and the only true safeguard against permanent data loss is an offline copy. Periodically, your organization should be creating backups to keep up-to-date with any important changes to your systems. In case of a backup becoming tainted with a malware infection, consider having multiple rotating backup points for the option to select a clean period.
  7. Be sure to have a comprehensive enterprise cyber security solution in place. While LockBit can try to disable protections once in a unit, enterprise cyber security protection software would help you catch file downloads across the entire organization with real-time protection.

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