Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability: Here is the Solution

Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability

Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability: Here is the Solution

Microsoft Exchange Server, a popular mail server and calendaring server developed by Microsoft, has recently been found to have a critical vulnerability. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-21410, is an elevation of privilege flaw that has been actively exploited.

Details of the Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability

CVE-2024-21410 is a critical elevation of privilege vulnerability that allows a remote, unauthenticated attacker to disclose and then relay Windows NT Lan Manager (NTLM) hashes to impersonate legitimate users on Exchange Server. The vulnerability has a severity score of 9.8 (CVSS), indicating its critical nature.

The vulnerability pertains to a privilege escalation issue within Exchange Server. Attackers could exploit this flaw to leak NTLM credentials, primarily targeting clients such as Outlook. The attack vector is network-based, with low complexity and no privileges required. The scope remains unchanged, and the impact on confidentiality, integrity, and availability is high.

Affected Products

The vulnerability affects several versions of Microsoft Exchange Server. The affected versions include:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Update Cumulative Update 13
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Update Cumulative Update 14

Remediation of Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability

To mitigate the risk associated with this vulnerability, Microsoft has released a security update. The solution is identified as microsoft-exchange-exchange_server_2019_CU13-kb5035606. It is highly recommended that users apply this update to their Exchange Server installations to protect against potential exploits.


The discovery and active exploitation of CVE-2024-21410 underscore the importance of maintaining up-to-date systems and applying security patches promptly. By staying vigilant and regularly updating software, users can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to such exploits.

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