New HTTP/2 Vulnerability: CONTINUATION Flood Exposes Servers to DoS Attacks

DDos Continuation Flood

New HTTP/2 Vulnerability: CONTINUATION Flood Exposes Servers to DoS Attacks

  • Crash: In severe cases, the server might exhaust its memory resources and crash completely.
  • Performance Degradation: Even if the server doesn’t crash, processing the excessive frames can consume significant CPU and memory, leading to sluggish performance and potentially impacting legitimate users.
  • Memory Leaks: The attack may trigger memory leaks within the server, gradually depleting available memory and causing instability over time.
  • Update HTTP/2 Implementations: Server administrators should prioritize updating their HTTP/2 libraries and frameworks to patched versions that address the CONTINUATION Flood vulnerability. Security advisories from organizations like CERT/CC typically list affected software and corresponding CVE identifiers for reference.
  • Implement Frame Limits: Server-side configurations can be adjusted to impose limitations on the number and size of CONTINUATION frames allowed within a single stream. This helps prevent resource exhaustion even if an attack attempt is made.
  • Monitor Server Performance: Closely monitor server performance metrics like memory usage and CPU load to identify any unusual spikes that might indicate a CONTINUATION Flood attack in progress.

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