The Savvy Seahorse: Unveiling DNS Hijacking Tactics in Cybersecurity. Here is a Quick Look.

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The Savvy Seahorse: Unveiling DNS Hijacking Tactics in Cybersecurity. Here is a Quick Look.

The Savvy Seahorse: In recent times, cybercriminals have been employing a novel technique leveraging the Domain Name System (DNS) hijacking to ensnare unsuspecting investors in fraudulent schemes. This tactic compromises legitimate websites or online resources and redirects user traffic toward malicious investment platforms.

The Savvy Seahorse Threat Actor

The threat actor, known as Savvy Seahorse, has been targeting victims with fake investment opportunities. They use DNS canonical name (CNAME) records to create a traffic distribution system (TDS), thereby allowing them to evade detection. Savvy Seahorse has been observed employing sophisticated tactics to lure victims into fake investment platforms and siphon funds into Russian bank accounts.

The Role of Fake ChatGPT and WhatsApp Bots

Savvy Seahorse uses Facebook ads to lure in victims and convince them to open accounts, make deposits, and invest in companies including Tesla and Meta. Its tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) also include ChatGPT and WhatsApp bots imitating online webchats to encourage victims to inquire about the investment platforms.

Understanding DNS CNAME

A Canonical Name (CNAME) record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that maps one domain name (an alias) to another (the canonical name). This can prove convenient when running multiple services (like an FTP server and a web server, each running on different ports) from a single IP address.

The CNAME Takeover Technique

Guardio Labs revealed that thousands of domains belonging to legitimate brands and institutions have been hijacked using a technique called CNAME takeover. This method exploits vulnerabilities in the DNS configuration, allowing attackers to redirect website visitors to a chosen domain. The attackers then utilize these hijacked domains to host fraudulent investment platforms.

Current Status and User Recommendations Regarding the Savvy Seahorse

As of now, the issue has not been completely resolved. Guardio Labs has uncovered over 8,000 domains that have fallen victim to this exploitation, with the number growing by the hundreds each day. Therefore, investors are urged to exercise caution when encountering online investment opportunities, particularly those discovered through unsolicited emails or unfamiliar websites. Verifying the legitimacy of any investment platform before committing funds is crucial.


The rise of this DNS hijacking technique necessitates increased vigilance from investors and organizations. Organizations must prioritize robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard their domains from potential vulnerabilities. Implementing multi-factor authentication protocols for DNS management and regularly monitoring domain configurations are essential to mitigate the risk of CNAME takeover attacks.

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